
Updated: 2024-07-16



Career Summary


Type of Publication  



Book Chapters

Conference Proceedings

Technical Reports


Invited Talks


Dissertation & Reports


# of Pub’s

38 (1+1+36)










* Total (Submitted+Forthcoming+Published)

Refereed Journal Articles

(Publication Dates-newest to oldest)


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2025) “A HFLTS-AHP-MULTIMOORA approach to evaluate CNC machining centers for manufacturing companies” (submitted)


Yucekaya, A., Ayag, Z. (2024) “A hesitant fuzzy linguistic terms set-based AHP and TOPSIS for fuel coal type selection problem of industrial facilities”, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Vol. 43, No. 4-6, 473-496 [SCI-E®]


Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z., Kirkil, G., Yucal, E. (2022) “Evaluation of gas-fired combi boilers with HF-AHP-MULTIMOORA”, Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, Vol. 2022.


Ayag, Z. (2022) “An intelligent approach to evaluating CAD software packages through hesitant Fuzzy AHP”, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Vol.21, No.2, 317-335.  


Aldewachi, B., Ayag, Z. (2022) “Achieving sustainability in solar energy firms in Turkey through adopting lean principles”, Sustainability, Vol.14, No.1, 108 [SCI-E®/SSCI®]


Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z., (2021) “Concept selection with hesitant fuzzy ANP-PROMETHEE II”, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, Vol.38, No.7, 547-560 [SCI-E®]


Ayag, Z. (2021) “A comparison study of fuzzy MCDM methods for green concept evaluation”, International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, Vol.14, No.3, 412-438.


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2021) “A hesitant fuzzy linguistic terms set-based AHP-TOPSIS approach to evaluate ERP software packages”, International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, Vol.14, No.1, 54-77.


Samanlıoglu, F., Ayag, Z. (2020) “An intelligent approach for the evaluation of transformers in a power distribution project”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.39, No.3, 4133-4155 [SCI-E®]


Ayag, Z. (2020) “A fuzzy AHP approach to evaluate CAM software alternatives”, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol.33, No.5, 504-514 [SCI-E®]


Ayag, Z., Samanlıoglu, F. (2020) “An intelligent approach for the evaluation of innovation projects”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.38, No.1, 905-915 [SCI-E®]


Samanlıoglu, F., Ayag, Z. (2019) “A fuzzy AHP-VIKOR approach for evaluation of educational use simulation software packages”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.37, No.6, 7699-7710 [SCI-E®]


Samanlıoglu, F., Ayag, Z. (2019) “A fuzzy AHP-GRA to evaluating energy sources: A case of Turkey”, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Vol.14, No.1, 40-58 [E-SCI®]


Ayag, Z. (2019) “Green concept evaluation through fuzzy AHP-PROMETHEE”, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.7, No.1, 1-10.


Ayag, Z., Yucekaya, A. (2019) “A fuzzy ANP-Based GRA approach to evaluate ERP alternatives”, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, Vol.15, No.1, 45-68 [E-SCI®]


Samanlıoglu, F., Ayag, Z. (2017) “A fuzzy AHP-PROMETHEE II approach to evaluation of solar power plant location alternatives, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.33, No.2, 859-871 [SCI-E®]


Ayag, Z. (2016) “An integrated approach to concept evaluation in a new product development”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol.27, No.5, 991-1005 [SCI-E®]


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2016) “An intelligent approach to supplier evaluation in automotive sector”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol.27, No.4, 889-903 [SCI-E®]


Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z. (2016) “A fuzzy ANP-based PROMETHEE II approach for machine tool selection problem”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.30, No.4, 2223-2235 [SCI-E®]


Ayag, Z. (2015) “A fuzzy ANP approach to evaluate computer simulation packages”, International Journal of Business and Systems Research, Vol.10, No.2/3/4, 332-245.


Ayag, Z. (2015) “An intelligent approach to employee performance evaluation”, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Advanced Applications, Vol.2, 24-32.


Ayag, Z. (2015) “CAD software evaluation for product design to exchange data in a supply chain network”, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol.4, No.1, 30-38.


Ayag, Z. (2014) “A fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to evaluate computer-aided manufacturing software alternatives”, Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol.5, No.2, 114-127.


Ayag, Z. (2014) “An intelligent approach to prioritize logistics requirements in food industry”, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol.3, No.4, 29-38.


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F., Buyukozkan, G. (2013) “A fuzzy QFD approach to determine supply chain management strategies in the dairy industry”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol.24, No.6, 1111-1122 [SCI-E®]


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. (2012) “Evaluating machine tool alternatives through modified TOPSIS and alpha-cut based fuzzy ANP”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.140, 630-636 [SCI-E®]


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. (2011) “An intelligent approach to machine tool selection through fuzzy analytic network process”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol.22, No.2, 163-177 [SCI-E®]


Ozdemir, R.G., Ayag, Z. (2011) “An integrated approach to evaluating assembly-line design alternatives with equipment selection“, Production Planning and Control, Vol.22, No.2, 194-206 [SCI-E®]


Ayag, Z. (2010) “A combined fuzzy AHP-simulation approach to CAD software selection”, International Journal of General Systems, Vol.39, No.7, 731-756 [SCI®]


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. (2009) “A hybrid approach to concept selection through fuzzy analytic network process”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol.56, No.1, 368-379 [SCI-E®]


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. (2007) “A combined fuzzy AHP-goal programming approach to assembly-line selection“, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.18, No.4, 345-362 [SCI-E®] 


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. (2007) “An analytic network process-based approach to concept evaluation in a new product development environment”, Journal of Engineering Design, Vol.18, No.3, 209-226 [SCI-E®]


Ayag, Z. (2007) “A hybrid approach to machine tool selection through AHP and simulation“, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.45, No.9, 2029-2050 [SCI®]


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. (2007) “An intelligent approach to ERP software selection through fuzzy ANP”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.45, No.10, 2169-2194 [SCI®]


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. (2006) “A fuzzy AHP approach to evaluating machine tool alternatives “, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol.17, No.2, 179-190 [SCI-E®]


Ayag, Z. (2005) “A fuzzy AHP-based simulation approach to concept evaluation in a NPD environment“, IIE Transactions, Vol.37, No.9, 827-842 [SCI®]


Ayag, Z. (2005) “An integrated approach to evaluating conceptual design alternatives in a new product development environment“, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.43, No.4, 687-713 [SCI®]


Ayag, Z. (2002) “An analytic-hierarchy-process based simulation model for implementation and analysis of computer-aided systems“, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.40, No.13, 3053-3073 [SCI®]


Refereed Proceedings


Ayag, Z. (2024) “An intelligent approach to CAM software selection problem”, The 3rd  Int’l Scientific and Academic Research Congress (SCAR’24), November 11-13, Cairo, Egypt.


Ayag, Z. (2023) “An intelligent approach to green concept selection problem”, The 13 Int’l Conf. on Information, Communication and Management (ICICM’23), November 7-9, Cairo, Egypt.


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2022) “An intelligent approach for the evaluation of innovation projects”, The VIII International Scientific Congress (Innovations’22), June 20-23, Varna, Bulgaria.


Ayag, Z. (2021) “An intelligent approach to green concept selection”, The Int’l Conf. on Technology, Engineering and Science (ICONTES’21), November 4-7, Antalya, Turkey.


Ayag, Z. (2019) “An integrated approach to green concept evaluation”, The 2nd Int’l Conf. on Modern Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICMRSET’19), April 5-7, Barcelona, Spain.


Ayag, Z. (2018) “Green concept evaluation through fuzzy AHP-PROMETHEE II”, The 40th International Academic Conference (IISES’18), June 25-28, Stockholm, Sweden. 


Ayag, Z. (2017) “A comparison study of F-AHP based MCDM methods on green concept selection problem”, The 5th International Fuzzy Systems Symposium (FUZZYSS’17), October 14-15, Ankara, Turkey.


Ayag, Z. (2017) “Evaluating solar power plant location alternatives through a multiple-criteria decision making method”, The 29th International Academic Conference (IISES’17), April 5-8, Rome, Italy.


Ayag, Z. (2017) “Green concept selection through fuzzy decision making: A comparative study”, The 6th Business and Social Science Conference (BSCC’17), August 3-4, Dubrovnik, Croatia.


Ayag, Z. (2016) “AHP-based approach to evaluate solar power plant location alternatives”, The 3rd Business and Research Conference-The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES’16), March 22-25, Lisbon, Portugal.


Ozdemir, R.G., Ayag, Z. (2015) “Integrated fuzzy Monte Carlo simulation model and branch and bound algorithm for solving scheduling in filling process”, The 4rd International Fuzzy Systems Symposium (FUZZYSS’15), November 5-6, İstanbul, Turkey.  


Ayag, Z. (2015) “A multiple-criteria decision making method for evaluating solar power plant location alternatives”, The 9th International Management Conference (IMC’15), November 5-6, Bucharest, Romania.


Ayag, Z. (2014) “Quality function deployment approach to evaluate supply chain strategies in Turkish automotive industry”, The 14th International Academic Conference-The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES’14), October 28-31, La Valetta, MALTA.


Ayag, Z. (2014) “QFD approach to determine supply chain management strategies in automotive sector”, The 2nd International Conference on Tourism, Transport, and Logistics (ICTTL’14), April 3-4, Prague, Czech Republic.


Ayag, Z. (2013) “Technology management in new product development environment”, IX. Workshop on Industrial and Management Engineering, The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers in Turkey: Eskisehir Branch, December 6-7, Eskisehir, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. (2013) “A fuzzy AHP-based approach to employee performance evaluation”, The 3rd International Fuzzy Systems Symposium (FUZZYSS’13), October 24-25, İstanbul, Turkey. 


Durak, M.Y., Ozdemir, R.G., Faki, F., Ayag, Z. (2013) “Selection of sub-contractor for cutting operation in textile industry using fuzzy TOPSIS”, The 3rd International Fuzzy Systems Symposium (FUZZYSS’13), October 24-25, İstanbul, Turkey. 


Ayag, Z. (2013) “An intelligent approach to computer-aided design software evaluation”, The 3rd International Fuzzy Systems Symposium (FUZZYSS’13), October 24-25, İstanbul, Turkey. 


Ayag, Z. (2012) “An intelligent approach to CAM software selection”, The 2nd International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications (CCCA’12), December 6-8, Marseilles, FRANCE [Listed by Web of Science®]. 


Yucekeya, A., Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2012) “Option pricing for electricity commodity in Turkish Power Market”, The 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM’12), July 3-6, Istanbul, Turkey.


Yucekaya, A., Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z. (2012) “Compressed air energy storage systems: Current, future and operational analysis”, The 5th International Mechanical Engineering Forum, 20-22 June, Prague, Czech Republic.


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. (2012) “CAD software selection through fuzzy AHP”, The 5th International Mechanical Engineering Forum, 20-22 June, Prague, Czech Republic.


Ozdemir, R.G., Ayag, Z. (2012) “A two stage approach for distribution network design problem in cosmetic and cleaning industry”, The 25th European Conference on Operational Research (Euro’12), July 8-11, Vilnius, Lithuania.


Ayag, Z. (2012) “Concept evaluation through multiple-criteria decision making methods: An evaluation and new approaches”, The 8th International DAAAM Baltic Conference (DAAAM’12), April 19-21, Tallinn, Estonia.


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F., Yucekaya, A. (2012) “Intelligent approach to simulation software evaluation”, The 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM’12), July 3-6, Istanbul, Turkey.


Samanlioglu, F., Yucekaya, A., Ayag, Z. (2012) “A network model for location-routing decisions of a logistics company”, ISERC Annual Conference and Expo 2012 (ISERC’12), May 19-23, Florida, U.S.A.


Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z., Yucekaya, A. (2012) “A fuzzy TOPSIS Approach for nuclear power plant site selection”, The 3rd Annual Conference of the European Decision Sciences Institute (EDSI’12), June 24-27, Istanbul, Turkey.


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F., Yucekaya, A. (2011) “Concept evaluation in a NPD environment: An integrated approach”, The 2nd International Fuzzy Systems Symposium (FUZZYSS`11), November 17-18, Ankara, Turkey.


Yucekaya, A., Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2011) “Evaluating the energy dependency of Balkan countries and the effect of the natural gas pipelines”, International Balkan Annual Conference (IBAC’11), May 9-13, Skopje, Macedonia.


Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z., Yucekaya, A., Elibol, D., Depe, I., Ozdemir, G., Davarcı, C.E. (2011) “A location-routing model for regional blood banks”, IX. International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress (LM-SCM’11), October 27-29, Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey.


Yucekaya, A., Ayag, Z. (2011) “Analyzing energy plans of Turkey in the light of increasing energy demand and fuel costs”, VIII. Workshop on Industrial and Management Engineering, The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers in Turkey: Bursa Branch, November 24-26, Bursa, Turkey [in-Turkish].


Ayag, Z., Yucekaya, A. (2011) “Evaluating ERP software investments in terms of project management and risk factors”, VIII. Workshop on Industrial and Management Engineering, The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers in Turkey: Bursa Branch, November 24-26, Bursa, Turkey [in-Turkish].


Ozdemir, R.G., Ayag, Z., Karaca, N. (2011) “A production planning approach under assembly-line balancing constraints in textile sector”, XI. National Production Research Symposium (UAS`11), June 23-24, Istanbul Ticaret University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Yucekaya, A., Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2011) Price taker bidding for power plants in Turkish Power Market”, The 3rd International Conference on Applied Operational Research (ICAOR`11), August 24-27, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey.


Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z., Yucekaya, A., Kilic, A., Balkuvar, I., Cikrikci, Z. (2011) A mathematical model for ambulance location and deployment”, The 3rd International Conference on Applied Operational Research (ICAOR`11), August 24-27, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey.


Aydemir, T., Kara, D.G., Kocabacak, I., Yildirim, B., Ayag, Z. (2011) Evaluating bank alternatives through ANP”, XXXI. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`11), July 5-7, Sakarya University, Kocaeli, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ozdemir, R.G., Z., Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, A., Aksu, G. (2011) “An mathematical approach for hierarchical production planning in food packaging industry”, XXXI. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`11), July 5-7, Sakarya University, Kocaeli, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Yucekaya, A., Ayag, Z. (2011) “Cost and SO2 minimizing coal resource selection for power plants”, The 21st International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM’11), June 13-17, Jyvaskyla, Finland.


Ayag, Z., Yucekaya, A. (2011) “Alpha-cut fuzzy analytic network process based approach to evaluate simulation software packages”, The 11th International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Analytic Network Process (ISAHP’11), June 15-18, Sorrento, Naples, Italy.


Ayag, Z. (2011) “Evaluating simulation software alternatives through ANP”, The 2th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM’11), January 22-24, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Yucekaya, A., Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2010) “Economic evaluation of wind power investments through multi-year simulation and operational constraints”, 2. International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources (NURER’10), July 4-7, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.


Gun, E., Cetintas, F., Ozdemir, R.G., Ayag, Z. (2010) “Estimation model to determine optimal lot size for a two-stage inventory system”, X. National Production Research Symposium (UAS’10), September 16-18, Girne American University, Girne, Cyprus [in-Turkish]


Basoz, B., Dilekci, E., Islak, F., Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. “Supplier selection using AHP: A case of construction sector”,  X. National Production Research Symposium (UAS’10), September 16-18, Girne American University, Girne, Cyprus [in-Turkish]


Yucekaya, A., Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2010) “ERP software selection through AHP in a project-based production company”, X. National Production Research Symposium (UAS’10), September 16-18, Girne American University, Girne, Cyprus [in-Turkish]


Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z., Yucekaya, A. (2010) “Multiple-criteria crossdocking model with flexible time window ”, X. National Production Research Symposium (UAS’10), September 16-18, Girne American University, Girne, Cyprus [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F., Yucekaya, A. (2010) “Fuzzy AHP approach to CAD software selection problem”, X. National Production Research Symposium (UAS’10), September 16-18, Girne American University, Girne, Cyprus [in-Turkish]


Gokoluk, S.S., Tasdemir, E.E., Kirgoz, D., Cakir, H., Yucekaya, A., Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2010) “A mixed integer multi-period capital budgeting model for investment companies”, XXX. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`10), June 30- July 2, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Alacan, M., Ozal, C., Cetinkaya, I., Aaltıok, I., Kol, G., Yucekaya, A., Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2010) “A personnel supply planning system for hospital call centers”, XXX. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`10), June 30- July 2, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Samanlioglu, F., Sezenler, E., Ayag, Z., Yucekaya, A. (2010) “A hazardous waste location-routing problem”, XXX. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`10), June 30- July 2, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Elibol, D., Depe, I., Ozdemir, G., Davarcı, C.E., Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z., Yucekaya, A. (2010) “A logistics, location and routing problem of Istanbul Kızılay blood banks”, XXX. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`10), June 30- July 2, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Alev, K., Cikrikci, Z., Balkuvar, I., Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z., Yucekaya, A. (2010) “A location problem of first aid ambulances”, XXX. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`10), June 30- July 2, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Kayakus, O., Ergin, D., Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z., Yucekaya, A. (2010) “A mathematical model of pandemic influenza A/H1N1”, XXX. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`10), June 30- July 2, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Duman, B., Erdem, M., Isik, E.N., Ozkaya, E., Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F., Yucekaya, A. (2010) Cloth selection problem for passenger seats in public transport vehicles through TOPSIS”, XXX. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`10), June 30- July 2, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Has, M., Taskiran, I., Turkyilmaz, M., Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F., Yucekaya, A. (2010) “Evaluating shopping center location alternatives through ANP: A case study”, XXX. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`10), June 30- July 2, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F., Yucekaya, A. (2010) “Fuzzy analytic network process approach to shopping center location selection problem”, VIII. International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress (LM-SCM’10), November 4-5, Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey.


Yucekaya, A., Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2010) “A spreadsheet-based demand management application for manufacturing companies: A case study for an automotive spare part company”, VIII. International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress (LM-SCM’10), November 4-5, Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey.


Samanlioglu, F, Ayag, Z., Buyukozkan, G. (2010) “An integrated analytic approach to evaluate fourth party logistics companies”, VIII. International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress (LM-SCM’10), November 4-5, Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey.


Ozdemir, R.G., Ayag, Z. (2010) “Fuzzy ANP-based modified TOPSIS for machine tool selection problem”, XVI. International Working Seminar on Production Economics (IWSPE’10), March 1-5, Innsbruck, Austria.


Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z. (2010) “Determining master schedule of surgical operations by integer programming: A case study”, IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2010 (IERC’10), June 5-9, Cancun, Mexico.


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F., (2010) “Analytic Network Process (ANP) for solar power plant location problem”, IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2010 (IERC’10), June 5-9, Cancun, Mexico.


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. (2009) “Fuzzy ANP-based modified TOPSIS for concept selection problem”, I. International Fuzzy Systems Symposium (FUZZSS’09), TOBB University of Economics and Technology, October 1-2, Ankara, Turkey.


Ayag, Z., Buyukozkan, G., Samanlioglu, F. (2009) “A fuzzy QFD approach to determine logistics requirements in food industry”, VII. International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress (LM-SCM’09), Nov 5-6, Istanbul, Turkey.


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F. (2009) “Concept selection in a NPD environment through AHP/ANP: A comparative study “, IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2009 (IERC’09), May 30-June 3, Miami, U.S.A.


Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z. (2009) “A cross-docking model with soft time windows “, IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2009 (IERC’09), May 30-June 3, Miami, U.S.A.


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F., Ozpamuk, T., Ertem, S., Gumulcinelioglu, C. (2009) Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) to evaluate solar power plant location alternatives”, XXIX. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`09), 22-24 June, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z., Esen, E.E., Gunduz, A., Polat, M.O., Tavsanli, S., Ozak, F. (2009) “Route improvement for a courier truck: A case study”, XXIX. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`09), 22-24 June, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Buyukozkan, G., Ayag, Z., Caka, E., Ozgunduz, G., Sahin, G. (2008)” Determining the supply chain strategies in food industry: A proposed model and its application”, VIII. National Production Research Symposium (UAS’08), 24-25 October, organized by Istanbul University and Istanbul Kültür University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. (2008) “The evaluation of ERP software through fuzzy replacement analysis and analytic network process “, XXVIII. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`08), 30 June-2 July, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z., Ercan, B.B., Yetim, M. (2008) “Application of a bi-objective ambulance location model “, XVIII. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`08), 30 June-2 July, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Samanlioglu, F., Ayag, Z. (2008) “OR/MS research in hazardous waste management “, XXVIII. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`08), 30 June-2 July, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F., Turkmen, E., Ozturk, V., Kotek, H. (2008) “Facility site location through analytic network process) “, XXVIII. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`08), 30 June-2 July, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Samanlioglu, F., Dalgic, M.S., Eksi, M., Erol, Y.A. (2008) “A software development for product costing through activity-based costing “, XXVIII. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`08), 30 June-2 July, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ozdemir, R.G., Ayag, Z. (2008) “Equipment selection in an assembly-line design through fuzzy replacement analysis and analytic network process”, XV. International Working Seminar on Production Economics (IWSPE’08), March 3-7, Innsbruck, Austria.


Danaci Sakalar, T., Ayag, Z. (2008) “Technology road-mapping for effective new product development process”, II. National System Engineering Congress, Yıldız University, February 6-8, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ozdemir, R.G., Ayag, Z. (2007) “An integrated approach to assembly-line selection”, IX. International Symposium on Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP’2007), August 3-6, Viña del Mar, Chile.


Danaci, T., Ayag, Z. (2007) “Technology management for effective new product development process”, VI. Workshop on Industrial and Management Engineering, The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers in Turkey: Bursa Branch, November 9-10, Bursa, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Buyukozkan, G., Tufekcioglu, M., Gurel, S., Ozdemir, S. (2007) “An ANP-based application for supplier selection in automotive industry “, XXVII. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`07), 2-4 July, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ozdemir, R.G., Ayag, Z., Icten, B., Ozcan, C., Demircioglu, P., Yazıcıoglu, S. (2007) “Supplier selection using goal programming and AHP with a case study”, XXVII. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`07), 2-4 July, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Buyukozkan, G., Ayag, Z., Celik, M.O., Eksi, Z., Turkoglu, M. (2007) “A model to effectively manage the project-based work development approaches”, XXVII. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`07), 2-4 July, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R. G. (2007) “Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system investments and analysis”, Dynamics 2007-Management of Investments and Project Risks, National Project Management Congress, 13-14 April, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ozdemir, R. G., Ayag, Z., Kula, U., Ince, O. (2006) “A case study in supply chain management using 0-1 integer goal programming “, XXVI. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`06), 3-5 July, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G., Yelken, B. (2005) “An effective implementation of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system with an assessment in a Turkish firm “, The 3rd International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, 23-24 November, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey.


Ince O., Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R.G. (2005) “A simulation approach to minimizing total cost in the supply chain “, The 3rd International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, 23-24 November, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey.


Ince, O., Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R. G. (2005) “The determining of buffer size capacity in assembly lines), XXV. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`05), 4-6 July, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Gultas, I., Ozdemir, R. G., Ayag, Z. (2005) “Using of investment analysis techniques for equipment selection in assembly lines under demand uncertainty, XXV. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`05), 4-6 July, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z. (2004) “An approach to evaluating machine tool alternatives using simulation and AHP “, The 4th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (SAU’04), 6-8 September, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey.


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R. G., Yilmaz, A. (2004) “A step-by-step model for implementing hardware infrastructure of ERP systems “, XXIV. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`04), 15-18 June, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R. G., Uguz, H. (2004) “A decision support system for evaluating ERP packages “, XXIV. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`04), 15-18 June, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Ozdemir, R. G., Beser, M. (2004) “An approach for competitive advantage by improving integration between marketing and production”, XXIV. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`04), 15-18 June, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ozdemir, R. G., Ayag, Z., Dursunoglu, M. (2004) “A simulation-based model for capacity improvement in manufacturing systems”, XXIV. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`04), 15-18 June, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ozdemir, R. G., Ayag, Z., Cakir, D. (2004) “A line balancing method for set-up time reduction”, XXIV. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`04), 15-18 June, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ozdemir, R. G., Ayag, Z., Ozturk, I. (2004) “An economic error measure for demand forecasting”, XXIV. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`04), 15-18 June, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Dincmen, M., Durmusoglu, M. B., Ertay, T. (1991) “Expert simulation systems in production systems”, Symposium of Computer Use and Automation in Industry, I.T.U. in cooperation with Alumni of Berlin Technical University (TU Berlin) and KOSGEB, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Erkut, H., Polat, S., Bozdag, C. E., Ceylan, C., Bayraktar, C. A., Ayag, Z. (1992) “Investigation of inflation–productivity–interest relationships using system dynamics modeling “, Advances in Simulation’ 92 Symposium, 6-7 July, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Akhun, M., Ayag, Z., Ertay, T. (1992) “Simulation of production systems based on expert systems”, Advances in Simulation ’92 Symposium, 6-7 July, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Ayag, Z., Dincmen, M. (1993) “Expert systems in industry and an expert system design for quality control”, XV. Operation Research and Industrial Engineering National Congress (YA/EM`1993), 7-9 July, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Technical Reports


Innovation Capacity and Performance Evaluation Report, Ören Kablo Sistemleri Elektrik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti., InoSuit Program, Nov 2017, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Innovation Capacity and Performance Evaluation Report, Boytas A.S. (currently-managed by TMSF), InoSuit Program, May 2018, Kayseri, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Innovation Capacity and Performance Evaluation Report, Sönmez Transformatör Tic. A.S., InoSuit Program, May 2019, Kocaeli, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Innovation Capacity and Performance Evaluation Report, Rella Gıda Tic. A.S., InoSuit Program, Nov 2021, Kocaeli, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Innovation Capacity and Performance Evaluation Report, Ekin Endüstriyel San. ve Tic. A.S., InoSuit Program, Apr 2023, İstanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Innovation Capacity and Performance Evaluation Report, Bilgin Denizcilik San. ve Tic. A.S., InoSuit Program, Nov 2024, İstanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Poster Presentations


Cross docking mathematical model, The Workshop on Women in Industrial Engineering Academia 2012 (WIEA’12), May 30-June 1, 2012, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey [with Dr. F. Samanlıoglu]  


Invited Talks


Introduction to facility layout planning, American University of Middle East (AUM), College of Engineering, Jan 10, 2016, Egaila, Kuwait.


Concept evaluation in a new product development environment through multiple-criteria decision making methods: A review and new approaches, Kadir Has University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, December 5, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. 


Product design evaluation in a new product development environment, Mondragon University, Faculty of Engineering, Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility (TSM) Program, May 2-7, 2014, Bilbao, Spain. 


Strategic management in the 21st century, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Faculty of Business Management, Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility (TSM) Program, April 15-19, 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania. 


Product design evaluation in a new product development environment, Copenhagen University, College of Engineering, Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility (TSM) Program, May 8-11, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Multiple-criteria decision making methods for concept selection in a new product development environment, Universidad de La Coruña, Escuela Universitaria Politécnica, Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility (TSM) Program, April 5-9, 2010, Ferrol - A Coruña, Spain.


A step-by-step implementation and analysis model of a computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) system-The overview of CAD/CAM systems: An application in a Turkish firm, March 1998, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


A step-by-step implementation and analysis model of a computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) system: An application in a Turkish firm), March 1997, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


A step-by-step implementation and analysis of a CIM) system: An application, April 1997, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Introduction to computer-aided process planning (CAPP), November 1997, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]




Innovation in the world: How the South Korea has developed by innovation? India, China and Silicon Valley, Conference on Innovation and Competitive Advantage, April 2008, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


A step-by-step implementation and analysis model of a computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), 1998, Ph.D. Seminar, Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


The adaptation to the changing: the strategies for excellence, In-House Seminar, 1997, Makina Takim Endustrisi A.S., Kocaeli, Turkey [in-Turkish]


The implementing of a computer-aided design (CAD) and documentation system, In-House Seminar, 1997, Makina Takim Endustrisi A.S., Kocaeli, Turkey [in-Turkish]


The developing of a computer software to calculate the required gear group for tap manufacturing, In-House Seminar, 1996, Makina Takim Endustrisi A.S., Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Dissertations and Reports


Ph.D. Thesis: A step-by-step implementation and analysis model for a computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) system, 2003, Industrial Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


M.Sc. Thesis: The simulation of a mold manufacturing facility using SIMAN, 1991, Industrial Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


B.Sc. Thesis: A survey on simulation applications in production systems), 1989, Industrial Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey [in-Turkish]


Book Chapters


Translation of Chapter X into Turkish – “Resisting Globalization: Critique and Action”, in a book of The Globalization Reader, Edited by F. J. LECHNER and J. BOLI, Second Edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2003.




The Journal Article Book, AHP/ANP Applications in Industrial Engineering: Selected Works: Volume 1, Pre-Prints, 2014 [unpublished]


The Journal Article Book, AHP/ANP Applications in Industrial Engineering: Selected Works: Volume 2, Pre-Prints, 2014 [unpublished]


The Conference Paper Book, Applications in Industrial Engineering: Selected Works: Volume 1, Pre-Prints, 2014 [unpublished]


The Conference Paper Book, Applications in Industrial Engineering: Selected Works: Volume 2, Pre-Prints, 2014 [unpublished]


Introduction of the Book, AHP/ANP Applications to Concept Evaluation in a New Product Development, Pre-Prints: The First Edition, 2014 [Unpublished] 




Lecture Notes: Introduction to Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Systems, based on the class presentations, Spring 2004 [unpublished]  


Booklet: The Workshop on Women in Industrial Engineering Academia 2012-(WIEA’12), Kadir Has University, in collaboration with Auburn and Wichita State Universities.


Article: “Effective project and risk management for a successful ERP implementation”, MakinaTEK, May 2007 [with T. Danacı] [in-Turkish]


Article: “One of the outstanding professions: industrial engineering”, Kadir Has Bulletin, April-May 2010, pp. 35-37 [in-Turkish]


Article: “A new century, changing world and industrial engineering”, Panorama Khas, Summer 2011, No.3, pp. 27-29 [in-Turkish]


Article: “Industrial Engineering and economic development in the 21st century”, Panorama Khas, Winter 2018, No.26, pp. 54-56 [in-Turkish]





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